Losing My Job in a Global Pandemic

Six months ago, I was laid-off due to COVID-19. I remember waking up that morning feeling like something was off. My husband was in the kitchen getting coffee when I got the Zoom call. I answered (on mute), looked over at my husband and said I’m about to get laid-off. Two minutes later, the call ended, along with my job.

It took me four weeks before I was ready to tell those around me. I went through every emotion but the one that I was not expecting to show up was the feeling of being ashamed. And no, I was not trying to get sympathy and yes, I was aware (and still am) that millions upon millions of people are right there with me. It down right sucks. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel what I feel. It surprised me and then I realized it stemmed from the pressure I have always put on myself. The pressure we all put on ourselves of having it all together all the time. Talk about a wakeup call!


I had been thinking about getting this tattoo for years and for some reason, whether it be fate or just odd timing, I decided to go for it at the start of 2020 and right before a global pandemic would shake up our world.

It means prepared for all / ready for anything. I thought it was quite fitting given my profession, but I also wanted a gentle reminder that no matter what life brings my way, I can handle it.

Little did any of us know what 2020 would actually have in store for us – I sure as hell did not.

I know losing my job was due to this unforeseen factor that none of us can control but a portion of it also has to do with the industry I decided to make a career out of. I know the event community is feeling it – honestly, we all are in our own way. It feels like it’s tearing through us at times. It may even feel like we are never going to get out of the trenches but hear me when I say we are prepared for whatever is to come.


I was not always a go-getter. It really started my freshman year of college. I remember the shift. I was trying to transfer universities and was told the only way I would get directly put in the school of my choice was if I had a 4.0 for the year. Let the stress commence! And honestly, it never stopped, or maybe I just never let up. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed everything (well almost) that led me down this path, but I have to admit that when I was laid-off it was like someone had sucker punched me right in the gut. I knew it was going to happen, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t make me stop and evaluate everything that led me to this point. What would have happened if I went for a job related to my degree? What can I do to pivot this? What would have prevented me from not being laid-off? The answer to all of the above, nothing! I wouldn’t change anything. Sometimes life gives you lemons – it’s up to you to decide if you are making ice water with lemon slices or a freaking French 75! Ok a little off from the normal when life gives you lemons, but you get it! Life is crazy and it’s also beautiful but no one ever said it was easy. You have the power to make of it what you will.

I will end by saying, I went to a conference last year where they asked everyone in the audience to write down a power word. I wrote down grit. I had never really thought about it until I was on a walk right after being laid-off and I thought Get Ready. It’s Time. So my advice is to…

Focus. Recharge. Allow Grace. Pour that French 75. AND. Get. Ready.


Now pass the bubbly,




Wines on a Dime


“Coffee, Coffee, Coffee” – Lorelai Gilmore