PM Skincare Routine
I know I’ve talked about my day-to-day skincare routine and what make-up products work best for sensitive skin, but I thought it was time to do my nightly routine. Adding in this one step has been a game changer. Truth moment…I was horrible throughout my twenties at actually taking off my make-up before I went to bed. Yes, you heard that right. I also didn’t wash my face with an actual face cleanser, I typically used make-up removal wipes and/or water and a washcloth. And no, I didn’t have perfect skin that allowed me to just skip these steps. I definitely battled acne in high school and still have moments even at 30.
In my twenties, I would never run errands without foundation, concealer and eyeliner. I just felt like I “needed it” to go out in public. I’m pretty sure that stemmed from what society told me I needed to look like as a young woman, but I call bullshit.
It wasn’t until my thirtieth year that I realized I didn’t need to please other people who may or may not be looking my way. Now I must admit this mentality started shifting a few years ago. I would put on a hat and run errands with dirty hair and a sweatshirt on (which I would have never done in my early twenties). BUT I still did my make-up!
Now I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that however, if you are only doing it because you feel like you have to and not because you want to, therein lies the real question. Are you doing it for you? Or are you doing it because you think it’s what you should do? By now, you are probably saying, I thought she was talking about her PM skincare routine and you are correct!
The reason I started out with the above information is because I’m about to talk through my 4 nighttime products which all happen to be Tula. Currently, Tula is doing an #embraceyourskin initiative to inspire and empower everyone to feel confident in their skin.
This is not an ad - I just truly love their products and have seen a change in my skin which has given me the extra boost to go out in public without any make-up on.
First up, is the cult classic purifying face cleanser. I tend to only use this one on nights where I still have a full face of make-up on and need the extra cleansing. This has been a staple of mine for a year now and I love it. Second, is the super calm gentle milk cleanser which is one of the products I have used nightly for a few months. I had been wanting to try it for a while because it is formulated to calm sensitive skin. It is so creamy and makes my face instantly feel smooth. From there, I reach for my 24/7 moisture hydrating day & night cream (this stuff is gold) and my rose glow & get it cooling & brightening eye balm for those dark circles.
As always, every skin journey is different. I still have breakouts from wearing a mask or when it’s that time of the month. I’m not saying these products will cure all, but I am saying they have worked wonders for me on my journey - not only from an appearance standpoint but also from an emotional one. It’s allowed me to embrace my skin, flaws and all.
Now pass the bubbly,