Deciding on Daily Protein

Have you ever been told by a Doctor to incorporate more protein in your diet? Or seen all the protein packed smoothies online and wonder how you could ever drink something so green? Well I’m right there with you! Until a few years ago, I didn’t get enough protein in my daily regimen and knew I needed to figure out a way to incorporate it. I wanted to share the items I’ve found that have worked well for me over the years. 


There is such a variety of protein powders out there now, it’s hard to keep track of them all! At the beginning of 2019, I read Kelly LeVeque’s book Body Love and learned so much about balancing food. Her fab four smoothie recipe, which includes greens, is the first one I attempted. It did not disappoint.

I drank a smoothie a day for around 4 months, took a small break due to work travel and then started up again. I’ve heard people say they drink it because they should or it’s healthy, but contrary to popular belief, it can actually taste good! It’s all about the ingredients!

Protein powder is a big one for me! I have used two types of protein powder in my smoothies. First, Primal Kitchen’s collagen fuel vanilla coconut powder. It has 10g of protein per scoop and I usually do 1-2 scoops. Second, Tone It Up’s vanilla protein powder. This was the first one I tried and honestly, I love it so much! It has 15g of protein per scoop and the flavor is just SO good! 


Then, I found out about Perfect Bars – thanks to Danielle Pascente! I literally eat one every morning. They are refrigerated protein bars that are made with 20+ superfoods, organic honey, peanut butter or almond butter and whole food protein. Each bar has 15g of protein!

My staple flavors are peanut butter, dark chocolate chip peanut butter and coconut peanut butter. Wait – there’s more! They also have perfect bites (bite size pieces instead of a bar) for an afternoon snack OR newest on the docket are their peanut butter cups. The dark chocolate sea salt is my favorite and you still get 7g of protein from eating chocolate peanut butter cups. Does it get any better?!


As a side note, I don’t drink a smoothie and eat a Perfect Bar in the same day. I like to switch it up!

All this being said, each body is different and the items I’ve shared might not be the best fit for you. It took trial and error for me to find these! 

Tag me on Instagram if you try out any of my favorites! I’d love to hear if you love them as well! Leave a comment below if you’ve tried these products or if you have any that you’re loving, or I should try!

Now pass the bubbly,



Movement and Mindset